Christina and Will’s Wedding: The Details

Christina and Will’s Wedding: The Details

My snister has great artistic vision and she is a wonderful DIYer, so I just knew her wedding was going to be full of fantastic little details. Going in to the wedding, I didn’t know what they all would be (I asked her not to tell me everything because I like to...
Christina and Will’s Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christina and Will’s Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not sure there are enough exclamation points in that title! As expected, Christina and Will’s wedding was completely amazing, and I was sad when it was all over. WHY DO FUN THINGS EVER HAVE TO END?!?! Thankfully, we had three amazing days of fun in Kansas...
One week until Christina and Will’s wedding!

One week until Christina and Will’s wedding!

I’m feeling… … surprised at how quickly the time has passed from the start of the year to the wedding. But I probably say that every year, about most things.  … relieved my dress still fits. I’ve been trying it on periodically, but hey,...