You know what thought my dumb little brain had yesterday?

Some minor inconvenience happened. I don’t even remember what it was.

But I DO remember thinking, “wow, this would have made me angry before, and now it isn’t. Huh.”

For a second that felt good!

But it’s actually not from any internal work. It’s because my brain is so occupied with big things, the small things aren’t making me angry anymore.

Anyway… yay? Silver lining.


Life goal: be as unbothered as Ned

Ha, I just remembered another thing from yesterday. One of my secret goals (it’s not exciting) is to be less pedantic and to get off these hills I’ll die on. I have quite the list of dumb shit I care about for no good reason: dew point vs humidity, DST vs ST, when seasons actually start, etc.

I don’t even know how to explain this newest one but it makes my little brain crazy. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

It’s when people post things on social media like “in a month the sun won’t set before 7:00 pm for 6 months!” then it gets shared by a bunch of people who don’t live in the same area of that time zone as that person… so it’s not actually true.

For example, I am on the very eastern side of my time zone. So my sunset today is 6:51. Valentine, NE, is on the western side of my time zone. Their sunset is 7:43.

I 100% GET that the sentiment of the post is not the accuracy of it across areas of a timezone, but just a celebration that the days are getting longer. I GET THAT! I SWEAR I DO.

BUT MY BRAIN. When my brain sees this:

My brain immediately thinks (a snarkier version of) this:

And skips over the feel good sentiment.

But SELF-AWARE Kim is all about typing things out and deleting them (or THINKING THEM and not SAYING THEM). So I only sent the three party face emojis and kept the rest of the thoughts to myself.

Until I told Steven about it last night. Then publicly told everyone here.

But WHAT’S IMPORTANT is that I did NOT send the message. (Although this was to my snis so I totally could have and she would have just responded with eyeroll emojis.)