- I forgot to mention this in my Definitely Better Now review – in the book Emma is the newest to her work team and is voluntold to be on “fun committee” to plan holiday party. It reminded me of when I was the newest to a team and told to plan the holiday party by myself. I didn’t enjoy it.
- In January I mentioned I was quitting Alani and would reincorporate them into my diet as a treat. I did really well with that in January! Then things went to shit and having one brings me so much joy I am back to having them daily again. I DESERVE IT. (But also, sigh?)

- I stopped at the Amazon Go in the train station Monday for a snack to tide me over until dinner (at these stores you scan a code in the Amazon app to enter, grab whatever you want and just leave). I grabbed a bag of chips. I thought it was odd I didn’t get an immediate email of my purchase, but thought nothing of it until I saw the email the next day and it had two things on it I did NOT purchase bringing my total from $1.49+tax to almost $18. LOLOLOL. (I requested a refund of those two items.)

- Here is the aftermath of the garbage/recycling bin races from last week. A huge bruise above my elbow and some smaller ones on my forearm. Ha ha ha. Oops.

- Newest mani – it’s a mix of cat eye polish and chrome powder (inspired by this reel). I forgot that the chrome powder isn’t very durable. It was already coming off the tips of my nails a few days after I got it – leaving just the cat eye beneath it. Oh well!

I love the manicure. My nail varnish never stays on very long. I just painted my nails on Tuesday and they are already a mess. Sigh.
That is some bruise!