A few other happy moments from the weekend (besides my race with Rachel!):

I took a nap Friday (I had the day off).

The closet door is open because Starbuck was crying to get in it when I wanted to nap and I just gave up and opened it. Have at it, girlfriend. Enjoy those socks.

We went out for burgers Friday night! (And I had a burger Saturday night too!)

Rachel’s cat Reggie let me play with him! (After being bribed with treats, of course.)

I painted 8 rocks and even resined them! Because… THE SUN WAS OUT!

And I remembered to hide one this morning! I need to get better at offloading them. I brought 4 to hide at the race and I heard back from someone that their son found one and they sent me the cutest video of him with it. Aww.

Steven made me heart shaped biscuits for breakfast yesterday!

We had a lovely lazy Sunday. We watched (bad) movies and just hung out. I even played with the cats! I found a way to play with the indoor and outdoor cats at the same time.

I received a surprise puzzle in the mail from Val! It’s the perfect type for me – a lot of variety and not too complicated. I sorted the pieces out and started it last night.

Other wins: I didn’t read the news and got a text from someone about my work and didn’t let it bother me and waited until today to respond. Good work, Kim!