I got to see Rachel TWO WEEKENDS IN A ROW!

How’d I get so lucky, right?! Steven and I were discussing places to fly this weekend and I suggested flying to meet Rachel and her husband for lunch. Rachel was 1000% on board so we flew to Fort Atkinson, WI (new-to-us airport), and they picked us up. We had Mexican food for lunch, went on a walk, and a little drive, then flew back!

We had a wonderful time chatting and laughing. What a fun day!
Keep reading for the flight details! Come on, you know you want to!
We had beautiful mostly clear skies and the wind was calm when we took off – so there was quite a bit of traffic out on the radar. Steven asked me if I wanted to fly but I declined because there was so much “going on.” I should have said yes!

We did a good job playing “find the airport.” The runway is a bit narrow at 60′ wide, so it looked more like a road than a runway from the sky.

There was a bit of traffic when we got close to the airport – but everyone was using their radios to communicate, so all good! (especially since the wifi stopped working for the ipad)
The 53.1 knot route took 40 minutes on the way there. Rachel was waiting for us, and we were in the car by 11:30 and on our way to lunch!
The weather changed a bit for the flight back. The wind was stronger and more variable meaning it threw us around. A lot. Steven was exhausted from controlling the plane and I had to pee really bad and it wasn’t helping my bladder, wah (lol).

But we had a tailwind (at one point we were going 138 kn ground speed – that’s equivalent to 159 mph!) and got back in 30 minutes and landed at 3:08.

As always, I’m glad we got to go out. It’s always fun to fly, even more so when we are going to see loved ones!
You were in my town and guy didn’t let me know?! Kim, how could you? My feelings are shredded!!!