My parents gave us this cute gingerbread cat scratcher in November, and Ned didn’t start destroying it, excuse me, renovating it, until after the holidays.
They also gave one to my snis, and she offered it to me when I visited in January. Her cat didn’t really care for it and it was in pristine shape.
So I took it home, thinking it would last a few months like the last one.
Ned had other plans.

Who knew so much destruction could be done in such a short amount of time.
I can relate! Doggo can be rough on toys, but there are a few that we’ve replaced because she loves them so much (Ok, fine a few that WE love so much). We’ve gotten three each of a giraffe and an alligator, and the first ones she destroyed after a few months, the second set was destroyed at a much quicker pace, and then the third set is still holding strong.
I would totally be doing the same thing with the toys WE love! Interesting he destroys them at different rates too! Guess our pets aren’t that predictable ππ
Oh, Ned, LOL! Suzy is a huge toy destroyer, too… She stayed with us last weekend, and gutted two stuffed toys and there was toy stuffing all over the living room and couch. Crazy how much stuffing there is in one small toy!
OMG! Wow! I bet that was a sight to see!
Ned and Chip would get along great! The girls do not destroy their toys/cardboard scratchers, but they did tear up my reading chair so there’s that.
I love that you took a picture every few days! HAHA.
OMG they did claim and destroy that chair right away! Ha ha.
I was documenting it to send to my snis since she gave it to me. She was very proud of Ned LOL.