• Book club was so much fun last Friday! I loved sharing what we didn’t like about the book but also finding something we learned from it. It felt good to focus on a positive and hear everyone’s perspectives. And the book exchange was a blast – look how cute the one I received was! The book I got was Part of Your World (which I have read and loved! The person who gave it to me felt bad I’d already read it and brought me another book later – The Locked Door – not necessary, but so thoughtful).
  • Every Wednesday night when Steven and I take the garbage and recycling out we race down our long driveway and end up out of breath (both of us) and in a fit of giggles (me). Last night we ran into each other and I bruised my elbow and leg. Oops! It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt (written as if I learned a lesson – no lessons were learned.)
  • I never thought I’d be talking about eggs here – I’m vegan! – but I do buy them for Steven (he’s vegetarian). I stopped by the farmstand for eggs last Sunday and they were out. Another person trying to buy eggs said to me “it really says something that the egg shortage is so bad you have to go to a local farm!” and I was like “we always buy our eggs here.” Oops. I didn’t mean to be bitchy, I was just saying what was true and popped into my head. But I felt bad for a minute about my response. She was like “nice to meet you, have a nice day!” then we both got in our cars and left. Oops.
Mom & me at the farmstand in November
  • More egg talk – so I ordered the “pasture raised” ones from Walmart for pickup and when I got home and put the groceries away I saw there was only 11 in the carton!
  • Something I’ve been saying a lot lately, after people laugh at a joke I made, is “thank you for laughing.” Daily it’s like, if I am not laughing, I am crying, so making other people laugh feels really good.
  • Recently someone asked me if I was going to train to be a pilot. I said “I’d like to someday! It’s not in the cards now ☺️,” and they responded with “You can shake those cards!😘😅.” Sigh. I know they were trying to be encouraging and kind. And they mean well. But they know nothing about my personal situation and I am just like ACTUALLY I CANNOT SO LET’S QUIT THE BSING. (I didn’t respond.) Ha, this same person has also encouraged me over and over to do my “hide a painted rock a day” challenge that I did in 2023 again, and I have told them MANY times that will NOT be happening and they just keep saying it so… maybe this person is not hearing me anyway?!
  • I think I have written and deleted more responses in the past month than I have in years. I am heavily filtering myself. (Except in person with the egg lady, obviously.)
  • The “shake the cards” comment made me think a lot about how I’ve made my life too open. I share too much publicly (said, ironically, on my public blog). I have a lot of connections (which I am grateful for!), and people feel comfortable commenting on my life, CAUSE I PUT IT OUT THERE. Will any lessons be learned? There is more hope here than with the garbage/recycling bin races.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 487