• Khali’s Gotcha Day was on Friday February 14! She has lived with us 8 years! She’s still just my wittle bebe though.
Bebe Khali in September 2016
  • The main reason I’m going to book club at the gym tomorrow is for the book exchange – it’s blind date with a book themed! Okay, and I also want to hear if everyone hated the book we read as much as I did.
It was looking so good until I added the text at the bottom!
  • I’ve been dealing with some health insurance bs. I thought my benefits weren’t applied correctly because insurance was no longer covering something they covered 100% of last year, and I finally got someone to tell me that they covered that last year because of a deal they had with the hospital, and they no longer have that deal. Sigh.
  • Here’s a phrase I’ve heard a lot this week – we’re building the plane as we fly it. Sigh.
  • I signed up for the last day of RAGBRAI!
  • Last week’s mani:

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 486