- We got this cute new scratcher for the cats. It said $20 when I scanned it at Target, but was on sale for $13.99 then 15% off so I paid like $12 for it. That’s $8 saved for my girl math bank. Woo hoo.

- Yesterday I said “girl math” to a coworker and he’d never heard it before! That was fun to explain.
- Thankfully Ned is still distracted by the Gingerbread cat house and is leaving the new one alone.

- The outdoor cats had a special visitor on Monday. I went outside and opened the flap and the opossum was just like “whut.” I let them be. They’re harmless.

- Greg was MIA for like 5 days and he showed back up this am. Phew.

- Today is our 9 year anniversary of closing on our current home!

- New mani!

I can’t wait for Khali to finally arrive in Florida! It seems to be taking a while…
Ned and that gingerbread house. He is LOVING LIFE.
That opossum was like “heated house WITH food? Don’t mind if I doooo!”
Greg’s little grumpy face just melts my heart.
You’re right! In fact, I just saw her here this morning. I wonder if she is trying to avoid a storm or something? I will find out.
Ned is just so happy and proud of his destruction. What an absolute goober. I love all our babies so much!
Aww thanks! I really like this mani!
But what is his name????? Let me guess …. Quark (that’s a Star Trek joke I googled it)
I am very proud of your Star Trek name, snis! We have shockingly not named him, so I will just call him Quark!
Omg! I am honored!! My names are never good enough for the cats, but I will take this ‘possum naming as a win!!!!!
Total win! I informed Steven of the new name and will let you know when we see Quark again!