• I’m just finished Mullane’s Guide to Learning to Fly: Deep Dives into Select Topics for Today’s Student Pilot and really enjoyed it. It helped me grasp some tricky concepts and gave me a much broader perspective on general aviation (GA). But WHOA my brain was mellllllting while reading it (and still?)! And it isn’t even a textbook – it’s anecdotal and conversational – but it’s packed with so much information. If this little book was melting my brain, I can’t even imagine what Steven went through with actual aviation textbooks. Damn. The more I learn about GA the more impressed I am with Steven’s understanding of it!
  • So. I’m reading that book and it gets into magnetic headings. I won’t bore you with all that but I was talking to Steven about this and DID YOU KNOW that the magnetic north and south poles can swap locations?! It’s called a magnetic reversal. Apparently the last one was 42,000 years ago and it took place over 1,000 years. This information blew my mind but maybe it’s common knowledge.
  • Our fortune cookies have really been trying to get us to reconnect with old friends! First Steven, now me:
It says “friend long absent are coming back to you.” WHO?! Who is it going to be?!
  • I am going to count that ^ as my current mani pic too. All my nails are that glitter.
  • I received a package from Katja in Germany last night and this was legit my face when I saw my very own vegan Santa! How did I forget about all the amazing vegan chocolate in Germany?! What a great surprise!
  • My bank sent me a credit card with an entirely new number and what a pita it’s been to change my billing info for subscriptions. One place didn’t have the option to change it at all, and two had the option to change it but it doesn’t work. So odd. Do you want my money… or no?
  • That small town magazine that ran my photo without credit corrected it online and is running a correction in the next issue. Woo hoo!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 480