I’m someone who generally avoids fake sugars because they don’t taste good to me and make me feel crummy. But this summer, I was offered an Alani (fake sugar energy drink) that didn’t leave me feeling like garbage and I liked the taste! So I started buying them occasionally. And before I knew it I was having one every morning – a little ritual I really looked forward to, my special treat to kick off the day.

But damn they’re pricey! Plus, I started feeling like maybe my body was getting hooked on them, and I kind of wondered about the long-term effects of all those chemicals – not to mention the maybe potential strain on my heart???
So I quit them this year. Cold turkey. A bad way to do it (hello, headaches!) but the way I chose to. If I have one in the future, it will be a (non-daily) special treat.
Kind of like I do with Starbucks now. I’m not a monster! I’m still having caffeine from time to time.

But I want to get back to how I was before and not having liquid caffeine daily. And maybe this will also save a bit of money (although that one Starbucks drink is basically the same cost as 3 Alani drinks so… yeah).
We’ll see how it goes!
Everyone shared their monthly goals at the gym Monday. I forgot we do that and had to come up with one quickly! I said “use my walking pad at my desk every day I work from home.” I want to move my body more during the day – it makes me feel good.
Then two more goals naturally fell into place this week. So here we go:
3 Goals for Jan 2025
- Use walking pad on work at home days
- Don’t multitask during meetings
- Pause before sending ranty texts to Steven
That last one – with literally everyone else in my life I ask if they have the headspace for me to vent before I do (well, most of the time, sorry, Stephany). But I send Steven rants about inconsequential shit all. the. time. Cause he’s my person. The one I am most safe to be my whiny self with. But I need to pause more before I do that (and I have been and it feels good). And the pausing helps me let things go anyway (and when I don’t let them go I just rant later in person! Living with me is a joy.).
Ooh, I just got an Alani drink to try from my book club’s Secret Santa gift exchange. I’ve never had it but I’m also sensitive to fake sugars so we’ll see if I like it.
I am SO BAD at multitasking during meetings, too. I should make this a goal.
Oooo! Which flavor? Let me know what you think please!
Yes! Let’s do this together! I have 4+ meetings today. I’m going to try so hard LOL.
Thanks for saying that! I was writing this like, wait, I NEVER ask Stephany if she has the headspace. Or do I even say hi? LOL!