I forgot I had this post drafted! I started editing it as a recap of Christmas in bullet point form but yeah, that was getting long and obnoxious. I’ll write a full recap if I feel like it!
- We just got back from seeing my family in Iowa for Christmas! It was a fun trip with lots of good food, laughs, and opening gifts. I love watching everyone open gifts, and was super excited to see my dad’s reaction when he opened the AC/DC concert tickets I got for him and me. And I adore this custom stationery my snis made me of our cats!

- Ha, before Christmas my snis and I each bought something for ourselves from the other’s wishlist – she bought a silk bonnet from mine and I bought lip gloss from hers (and we got them for each other as well).
- While we were out with Jen and Troy last weekend, we talked about my FAFO post. They mentioned they had to look up what it meant – ‘f*ck around and find out.’ They said their search showed it originates from the military and conveys a ‘come at me’ or ‘try me’ attitude, and they were kind of surprised that was my MO. I explained that is NOT how I interpret it, and for me it’s literally ‘don’t plan and see what happens’ or ‘play stupid games win stupid prizes.’ Ha. It doesn’t involve anyone else.
- A small town magazine asked for permission to use a photo of mine saying they would give me photo credit in in the article. I said yes and sent it, and… they did not credit me. It completely does NOT matter, but part of me is annoyed and thinking about saying something to them.

I think many of us over the last 8 years have known what FAFO has meant.
Well, I had to google to find out what FAFO meant, but I stopped at f around find out in my search. It means exactly to me what it means to you – just play around with stuff and see what happens. It’s not a “come at me bro” kind of thing – at least not to me. I guess that’s why we’re not in the military!
I guess not! Ha! I wonder what percentage of people interpret it the way you and I do and what percentage thinks of “come at me.” Can you imagine me being that way? LOLOLOLOL.
I usually interpret FAFO as “come at me, bro” but that just doesn’t feel like you, so I was thinking it was the way you describe it!
I would 100% say something to that magazine. That’s rude!
Glad you had a lovely Christmas!
Oh interesting! Do you remember the first time you heard it that made you interpret it that way?
Thanks for sharing your input. I am leaning toward saying something. Even though it’s a small local magazine they approached me saying they would and I can’t find my name anywhere!