Khali had her teeth cleaned Tuesday, and the vet had to do one extraction. Khali was quiet when I picked her up and the vet said she might not have any appetite for 24 hours, but as soon as we got home, she started meowing and lead me straight to her food. And she was all up in my business at dinner. So… she’s been acting pretty normal! (Phew, I’m always nervous when they go under anesthesia.)
Khali’s teeth cleaning was expensive, but the vet had been recommending it for two years and it needed to happen. I was telling Steven this and how I wished I could girl math it, and he was like “well it was basically free because you saved all that money by not doing it for two years.” FOLKS, that is some ADVANCED girl math. Applause! Ha. I laughed so much when he said that.
My 16 year work anniversary was on the 8th! Awww.
Speaking of work, last week someone described my job as “the complaint line.” I’m not happy with how accurate that is. The good news is, I’ve been in this position long enough I can tell when something’s urgent and important, and when it’s… not as urgent and important. I’ve been able to compartmentalize my stress about it to during working hours (by almost never thinking or talking about work off hours), and I have a really good team and the resources I need to connect people to the correct folks to help them out.
All that being said, I very much enjoyed this sangria after a bonkers work day yesterday. WHY ISN’T EVERYONE OFF FOR THE HOLIDAYS YET.
Speaking of the holidays, I kind of forgot I usually put fake garland on our mailbox. That’s definitely not happening today – it’s like 3F right now.
I did something a bit different with my mani – I got almond shaped nails instead of squoval! Val had that shape in Seattle and it made me curious how it would look on me. The funny part is I texted her “My friend Val got almond shaped nails so then I did,” with this pic, then she sent me a pic of her mani with “my friend Kim got squoval shaped nails so I did.” Ha! We switched. Anyway, this mani is so hella cute, I love it. Definitely a fave of the year!
Yes why isn’t everyone off for the holidays yet? One of the largest employers where I live is an big ol’ old school manufacturing company. They shut down for the last two weeks of the year…just sayin’ WHY DON’T ALL NON ESSENTIAL JOBS DO THAT???? Seriously, what is anyone achieving at work the last two weeks of the year? Or for that matter between Thanksgiving and the end of the year? So that’s on my list of things I would change if I ruled the world.
I hate to say it, but I’m a big fan of reducing medical expenses by stretching the time between appointments. The only thing is that my new insurance has a rewards program where we get a kickback on the various checkups and health screenings, so I find myself changing my ways. I did my annual checkup, blood work, and got COVID/flu vax this week, and I think the total kickback is $35. It changes the equation on my girl math a bit.
Your dinner looks yummy. Khali has great taste!
on December 13, 2024 at 5:25 pm
I am totally with you and can’t wait until you rule the world in enact this! TIA!!!!!!
Oh wow! That is also advanced girl math! Think you will keep it up?
I’m glad Khali’s teeth cleaning went well and she was back to her regular self quickly! I’m always worried that the vet is going to tell me the girls need their teeth cleaned, ahhh. So far, they haven’t mentioned it so I’m hoping to get away with it for a few more years. It’s so expensive!
I’m taking the last two weeks of the year off (even though I took the first week of December off) and I am just pushing EVERYTHING non-essential off until January. I don’t need to start any new projects or do anything crazy here. Just get the content assigned and sent out, and worry about the rest of it on Jan 2.
on December 13, 2024 at 5:26 pm
Thank you! It is really freaking expensive! I think we only splurged on it once for our first cat and it may be that way with Khali too LOL. I hope your girls don’t need it anytime soon!
My Tabby cat had to have 8 teeth removed many years ago. The vet said that teeth cleaning can help, but that some cats have teeth issues and others don’t. Had a cat that lived to be 17 and she had no teeth issues. My Forrest cat is just over 7 and hasn’t had any teeth issues, at least the last vet visit didn’t discover any.
I give her those Hills Science Diet Dental treats often.
Congrats on 16 years.
on December 26, 2024 at 7:25 pm
It makes sense – just like some humans do and do not! I should check out those treats!
Hi! I’m Kim, a 40-something-year-old living in northeastern Illinois with my husband Steven, and our cats, Khaleesi, Apollo, Starbuck, and Eddard aka Ned. My current main hobbies are running, painting rocks, flying, reading, and eating. I follow a vegan lifestyle and work in an account management role. I write about a variety of topics and consider this a “life” blog – a place I can share anything that’s on my mind. Please visit the “About” page to get a better idea of who I am! 🙂
Yes why isn’t everyone off for the holidays yet? One of the largest employers where I live is an big ol’ old school manufacturing company. They shut down for the last two weeks of the year…just sayin’ WHY DON’T ALL NON ESSENTIAL JOBS DO THAT???? Seriously, what is anyone achieving at work the last two weeks of the year? Or for that matter between Thanksgiving and the end of the year? So that’s on my list of things I would change if I ruled the world.
I hate to say it, but I’m a big fan of reducing medical expenses by stretching the time between appointments. The only thing is that my new insurance has a rewards program where we get a kickback on the various checkups and health screenings, so I find myself changing my ways. I did my annual checkup, blood work, and got COVID/flu vax this week, and I think the total kickback is $35. It changes the equation on my girl math a bit.
Your dinner looks yummy. Khali has great taste!
I am totally with you and can’t wait until you rule the world in enact this! TIA!!!!!!
Oh wow! That is also advanced girl math! Think you will keep it up?
It was! Chinese takeout YES PUHLEASE!
I’m glad Khali’s teeth cleaning went well and she was back to her regular self quickly! I’m always worried that the vet is going to tell me the girls need their teeth cleaned, ahhh. So far, they haven’t mentioned it so I’m hoping to get away with it for a few more years. It’s so expensive!
I’m taking the last two weeks of the year off (even though I took the first week of December off) and I am just pushing EVERYTHING non-essential off until January. I don’t need to start any new projects or do anything crazy here. Just get the content assigned and sent out, and worry about the rest of it on Jan 2.
Thank you! It is really freaking expensive! I think we only splurged on it once for our first cat and it may be that way with Khali too LOL. I hope your girls don’t need it anytime soon!
That sounds like the PERFECT plan!!!
My Tabby cat had to have 8 teeth removed many years ago. The vet said that teeth cleaning can help, but that some cats have teeth issues and others don’t. Had a cat that lived to be 17 and she had no teeth issues. My Forrest cat is just over 7 and hasn’t had any teeth issues, at least the last vet visit didn’t discover any.
I give her those Hills Science Diet Dental treats often.
Congrats on 16 years.
It makes sense – just like some humans do and do not! I should check out those treats!