• Khali had her teeth cleaned Tuesday, and the vet had to do one extraction. Khali was quiet when I picked her up and the vet said she might not have any appetite for 24 hours, but as soon as we got home, she started meowing and lead me straight to her food. And she was all up in my business at dinner. So… she’s been acting pretty normal! (Phew, I’m always nervous when they go under anesthesia.)
  • Khali’s teeth cleaning was expensive, but the vet had been recommending it for two years and it needed to happen. I was telling Steven this and how I wished I could girl math it, and he was like “well it was basically free because you saved all that money by not doing it for two years.” FOLKS, that is some ADVANCED girl math. Applause! Ha. I laughed so much when he said that.
  • My 16 year work anniversary was on the 8th! Awww.
  • Speaking of work, last week someone described my job as “the complaint line.” I’m not happy with how accurate that is. The good news is, I’ve been in this position long enough I can tell when something’s urgent and important, and when it’s… not as urgent and important. I’ve been able to compartmentalize my stress about it to during working hours (by almost never thinking or talking about work off hours), and I have a really good team and the resources I need to connect people to the correct folks to help them out.
  • All that being said, I very much enjoyed this sangria after a bonkers work day yesterday. WHY ISN’T EVERYONE OFF FOR THE HOLIDAYS YET.
  • Speaking of the holidays, I kind of forgot I usually put fake garland on our mailbox. That’s definitely not happening today – it’s like 3F right now.
  • I did something a bit different with my mani – I got almond shaped nails instead of squoval! Val had that shape in Seattle and it made me curious how it would look on me. The funny part is I texted her “My friend Val got almond shaped nails so then I did,” with this pic, then she sent me a pic of her mani with “my friend Kim got squoval shaped nails so I did.” Ha! We switched. Anyway, this mani is so hella cute, I love it. Definitely a fave of the year!

Links to Random Thoughts Thursday 476