As I was commenting on Stephany’s blog this morning recapping her 2024 goals and writing “Goals/resolutions are not for me, but I like reading about other people’s!” I remembered, hey, I did set ONE goal for 2024!
My goal was to stop rushing around so much – no more stacking appointments back-to-back, wearing myself out, and ending up super cranky because of it. I had a bad habit of cramming ALL THE THINGS into one day, thinking I’d be able to relax that evening or the next day, but it never quite worked out that way.
I didn’t turn it into a SMART goal, but I still achieved it over the year by practicing being lazy and putting things off. I started the year still stuck on the idea of trying to reach a “clean slate” to-do list – which is impossible. I had to reteach myself that my world won’t end if I push something off to another day. I had to trust myself to know what my family’s and my own priorities are, and let the rest wait.
In essence, I had to embrace a less structured, more flexible life. For example, no more rigid Sunday morning workouts – now I just wake up, relax, and work out later if I feel like it. Simple changes like that made a big difference.
It’s much better now and more apparent when I’m slipping back into the old habit. The week before Christmas, I had my annual vascular appointment and realized it was on the same day as my manicure, in two different towns. Since it’s hard to reschedule the vascular appointment (and I tried with the mani but Lorena was off the next day), I kept both and filled the in-between time with other to-dos even though I knew it would completely drain me. And I was right. Just the reminder I needed to avoid that in the future!
I also mentioned a few weeks ago that my snister picked out three words for me for 2024 – calm, adventure, and healing.
That just shows how much my snis knows me, because those were big focuses for me this year.
Calm – everything I mentioned above about being less structured and actually relaxing. It’s a work in progress but much better than 2023!
Adventure – so much adventure! Lots of fun travel – Europe, Colorado a few times (1, 2, 3a, 3b, 3c), trips to Iowa, I went to Seattle, etc. We went on at least 13 flying trips. We had adventures at home with our visitors (Stephany, my parents). I ran that marathon. And other things I am too lazy to look up.
Healing – Physically, I got to a much better place with keeping my blood thinners at therapeutic levels (meaning I go in less to have my blood checked!). And mentally, I did a lot of work on my relationship with food.
On to 2025! Happy New Year!
Because I hate to leave my house, I always trip chain and have multiple things to do in any given trip. And then I come home and complain about how much I hate errands. Well, if errands weren’t always done in one day, maybe it would be better for me. I just…hate to leave the house. LOL.
Good luck figuring out how to have more downtime!
LOL! That is tricky! Like spread the pain over multiple days or just get it over with! I can see what you choose the latter.
Thanks! I just have to give less fucks about being productive LOL.
I’m glad you were able to rush around less and be lazier. It’s good to be lazy! Within reason, of course. But I’m sure that’s a big struggle for you, so I’m really proud that you were able to honor that need for yourself. I get very stressed out when I have more than 2-3 errands in a single day, lol, so I try not to do that to myself too often. (And if I do, I definitely reward myself with a nap!)
Thank you! And it is within reason. I realized as much as I despise hustle culture I still somehow had a mental subscription to it.
I took a nap 12/31 and 1/1 and both were divine! I thought of you, naturally. Especially when I woke up with ALL THE KITTIES.