I am behind on blog posts, so I am back posting this!
- First of all, we had a lovely Thanksgiving and I hope you did too! We woke up early* then went back to bed and I slept until 9:30!!! I didn’t get much sleep in Seattle and was grateful for that extra time. Then we watched movies all day long, while I painted. We did one productive thing (below) and since we’d made most of the food Wednesday*, we didn’t even have to spend that much time in the kitchen. SO CHILL! AMAZING!

- We hung our new USA map (which involved moving a bunch of other prints, and bookcases, etc.) and put pins in for locations we’ve flown to and done something at (not just airports we’ve landed at). I told Steven we should put a string with distance markings on it on our home airport so we can use it to estimate how far away something is (ha, like we can’t just easily do that on the computer but this is more fun).

- Speaking of maps, I did a run in Seattle so I got to update my states run in map!

- Here’s a bad picture of the mani I got last week:

- Ugh, I also got my hair cut and colored Friday and I hate how short it is. I don’t understand how to keep my hair healthy as it grows out so they don’t have to cut it off. Also not planning to research it or looking for advice, just whining. I like the color at least!
*We had weather dependent travel plans that didn’t work out**, hence the early wake up and making food the day before.
**Do you struggle when you tell someone plans that don’t work out then they are all “sorry it didn’t work out” or is that just me? I know it’s genuine and not pity but I have such an aversion to pity that it makes me feel ick even though people are being kind and it was my big mouth that spread all my plans anyway.
For future reference, what would you rather hear other than sorry? I completely understand where you’re coming from by the way!
Should Colorado be dark blue for raced in? You ran the Colfax! 🙌
Thank you so much for asking! You are so kind. And thanks for getting it too! My silly brain! I think I should talk to my therapist about it. But I guess a “how do you feel about that?” would be nice but sorry is too! It’s just an odd Kim thing.
Oh yes! Thank you! I updated it!!!!
Got it! 🩷
Well boo that your travel plans had to be cancelled. I think I know what you mean about having the ick when people say that they’re sorry that things didn’t work out. Sometimes it’s said with such a tone of concern like you’re telling them that the biggest tragedy ever happened when it’s really just an annoyance.
Your feast looks delicious. I’m craving roasted carrots like nobody’s business now.
Yeah, that! Such a weird variance there, huh? You get me though.
I hope you get some! They were so good! And thanks – I hope your meal was fab too!
Looks like you need to book a Florida run or race!
I always feel slightly embarrassed when I tell people plans and they don’t work out. Is that what you’re feeling? I just hate attention and people feeling bad for me, lol.
I really do! A trip there is long overdue.
OMG yes I think that is it! Can you just be my therapist please?