I just had my mind blown. I came over here to blog about the work hard/play hard concept and era of my life I am in… then realized I might not interpret that concept the same way as everyone else.

In my mind “work hard/play hard” meant you were working really hard when you were working, and playing really hard the rest of the time (maybe almost to excess). Which sounded exhausting to me. Like when do you rest?!

But then when I googled work hard/play hard the top result said “The phrase ‘work hard, play hard’ refers to the practice of having a good work-life balance and prioritizing both professional growth and personal enjoyment. People who embrace the work hard, play hard lifestyle give equal attention to reaching their career-related and personal goals.”

Huh. That description makes it sound less intense than it was in my mind. I mean, I have “doing less” as a personal goal. And I am all about work-life balance.

But then other searches supported my original interpretation of work hard/play hard, one even adding “rest harder” at the end.

ANYWAY. Let’s get out of that rabbit hole. This was meant to be a short post. Oops.

What I was going to say is I feel like I am in a work hard/play medium part of my life and I want to be in a work lite/play medium part of life… but I don’t see that changing for a while. At least until the holidays, for an interim break. Then back at it.

Work is making the days fly by. I have little actions each day that give me a sense of accomplishment and purpose, but it still freaks me out how fast the days are going. Like life is flying by and it’s just… work. It’s not even something I typically share with people outside of work. It’s a separate part of my personality that I mostly shut down when I’m off. AM I WASTING MY LIFE AWAY.

My days are feeling monotonous/routine, even though they technically aren’t, when you look at the fine details. Every day at work is completely different with new unforeseen problems. My days never go how I think they’re going to. It’s kind of nuts. The monotonous/routine part about it is that I wake up early each day to work out, work all day, then try to have free time and do it all again the next day.

So when I’m off from my full-time job I am OFF and don’t think about it at all and just focus on resting, having fun, and part-time work. Ya know, work hard/play hard.

What is this post even about. Thank you for witnessing my existential crisis and the beginning stages of burnout. Yes, I will book some therapy for this month.

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