This is 60% good stories and 40% me complaining so proceed with caution!

Good – Steven was able to do his night flight on Friday (after rescheduling from the Friday before) and is current for passengers. Woo hoo!

Good – We started Nobody Wants This on Netflix and I think it’s pretty cute!

Bad – When I started work yesterday morning I realized all the files I made last week were the wrong size and that I had to redo them all to get the work done I had intended on doing that day. GAH! I was so frustrated with myself. I ended up working all day (even a bit after dinner), just taking a break to go to a coworker’s celebration of life for her dad. Ugh. I won’t make THAT mistake in Adobe Illustrator again.

Good – I’m so glad I took a break and went to the celebration of life. It was a haul from the house (50+ miles one way) but I listened to a new book on the way there and back, and it felt really good to support my coworker, and mingle with other coworkers. I felt very “on” – connected with the conversation, in a good mood, people were laughing at my jokes, etc. etc. I hadn’t felt that on in a while, so that was nice. (Edited to add: I should note this celebration of life was at a bowling alley and it had a party atmosphere)

Bad – When I was saying hello to a walker in the preserve this morning, he responded with “Do you know running is bad for you?” I legit thought he was joking so I said “Oh yeah, why is that?” then he LEGIT gave a speech about all the forces on my joints, which particular joints, etc. And I was still running ahead and away from him during this time. I responded with “Guess I’m f*cked!” and thought that would be enough but he kept going on why hiking is better for me, why it is blah blah blah, just wanted me to know, have a nice day. I seriously considered flipping him the bird over my shoulder, but didn’t. Proud of me.

I understand he thought he was being helpful. But I just don’t want to hear that on my run. Reminds me of this other guy I’d run into at the park time to time and he’d lecture me about how I need to lose weight.

Could both of those statements be true? Sure. I know I’m in a bigger body. And I know that body won’t let me run forever. Do I need to hear them from random ass stranger at the preserve? Nah.