This is 60% good stories and 40% me complaining so proceed with caution!
Good – Steven was able to do his night flight on Friday (after rescheduling from the Friday before) and is current for passengers. Woo hoo!
Good – We started Nobody Wants This on Netflix and I think it’s pretty cute!
Bad – When I started work yesterday morning I realized all the files I made last week were the wrong size and that I had to redo them all to get the work done I had intended on doing that day. GAH! I was so frustrated with myself. I ended up working all day (even a bit after dinner), just taking a break to go to a coworker’s celebration of life for her dad. Ugh. I won’t make THAT mistake in Adobe Illustrator again.
Good – I’m so glad I took a break and went to the celebration of life. It was a haul from the house (50+ miles one way) but I listened to a new book on the way there and back, and it felt really good to support my coworker, and mingle with other coworkers. I felt very “on” – connected with the conversation, in a good mood, people were laughing at my jokes, etc. etc. I hadn’t felt that on in a while, so that was nice. (Edited to add: I should note this celebration of life was at a bowling alley and it had a party atmosphere)
Bad – When I was saying hello to a walker in the preserve this morning, he responded with “Do you know running is bad for you?” I legit thought he was joking so I said “Oh yeah, why is that?” then he LEGIT gave a speech about all the forces on my joints, which particular joints, etc. And I was still running ahead and away from him during this time. I responded with “Guess I’m f*cked!” and thought that would be enough but he kept going on why hiking is better for me, why it is blah blah blah, just wanted me to know, have a nice day. I seriously considered flipping him the bird over my shoulder, but didn’t. Proud of me.

I understand he thought he was being helpful. But I just don’t want to hear that on my run. Reminds me of this other guy I’d run into at the park time to time and he’d lecture me about how I need to lose weight.
Could both of those statements be true? Sure. I know I’m in a bigger body. And I know that body won’t let me run forever. Do I need to hear them from random ass stranger at the preserve? Nah.
Whaaaaat!? Why would someone say that? So, so rude!!!!
Thank you for saying that. I thought I was being unkind, not wanting unsolicited input on the thing I am doing, but a day later, I realize I should have just told him to fuck off.
OMG that guy!!! He was at my grocery store a while back, and started lecturing me on how electric toothbrushes are terrible while I was standing in an aisle looking at the different models. It really pissed me off! WTF???
I just started watching that show last night and the dialogue is really good!
OMFG!!!! Does that guy just troll the toothbrush aisle to give his lecture?! I kind of felt that way about my guy. Did you say anything back? (I freaking love my electric toothbrush LOL. They are not for everyone BUT THAT IS WHY WE HAVE OPTIONS PEOPLE.)
Aww glad you are liking it too!!!! The dialogue feels very trendy and modern to me!
Whyyyy do people feel the need to give their unsolicited opinions about things? A nice run has to turn into something stressful. I’m sorry, friend. What a massive annoyance. I *love* your response, though. I just wish he would have shut up after you said that!
I have no idea!!! He probably thought he was helping me?! LOL. HELPING ME WITH BLOG CONTENT. Ha ha ha.
Thanks! Glad you liked it!