Lots of thoughts this week, so you’re getting two Random Thoughts Thursdays posts. I put all the “fun” stuff in this one, and tomorrow’s will mostly be work stuff and a photo of my mani.

  • I hope you’re sitting down because this message is going to be shocking. My Garmin actually showed me a NICE message on Monday. My mind is STILL blown.
  • I’m kind of sick of getting up at 5:00 am to lift weights at the gym. It’s weird – I don’t have a hard time getting out of bed, I’m not tired during the day, and I enjoy class, I think I am just over… having something on my calendar. Hmm. Today I didn’t sign up for class until I woke up naturally and saw I had time to go. Maybe I should try that more?
  • I saw a gorgeous sunrise yesterday morning and it made me think about how I used to feel like I needed to be running during those, to fully experience it. I also felt that way with “good” running weather. It’s one of the few areas of my life where I feel FOMO – missing out on a weather occurrence. So strange. I finally stopped feeling that way after years of telling myself there will be other opportunities. There are going to be more sunrises. There are going to be more nice running days. All this to lead into me sharing that I can see myself feeling that way about flying – “we should be flying now because the weather is good!” I need to make sure I don’t get mentally hung up on that (even though it’s way more true – I can run through shit weather, we can’t fly through it).
It never looks as good in the photo!
  • I finally painted last weekend after 3.5 weeks off. It’s normal for me to go through phases like this, and it felt good to “get back” to it!
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  • I forgot to mention in my Kingsley Airfield post that I hid a rock there and it was reported found twice (by the person who found it when I hid it, and by the person who found it after that person hid it). It’s always fun when that happens. It’s rare if I hear back at all, so twice for the same rock in a span of a few days is neat!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 469