• Penny hadn’t voluntarily gone into the cat house since she showed up in June and we were worried she wouldn’t use it when it got cold out (a heater turns on in the house when it hits a certain temp). Every time we showed it to her (with the door open), she would go in then immediately leave. It was cold and rainy Tuesday, and we put her in, this time with some food, and she stayed half in/half out to eat it, then I kept putting her in there and it finally stuck! Now she doesn’t want to leave. Aww.
  • I’m always excited when I see my peers in leadership roles at work. Like, “Wow, we did it, guys!” Also, “I have no interest in having that much responsibility” ha ha ha.
  • I had to check in on an issue yesterday at work and it was very clear it was a space problem. I was a space planner for 12 years of my federal career, and there is so much comfort in solving a space problem. My mind started to do it and I was like “nope! not my job to solve anymore.” (And I really need to set those boundaries – people bring many problems to me but I am often not the solver, I’m the person who brings the right people to the table to solve it.)
  • Here’s my new spoopy mani. I went pink so it would match a pink blazer I am wearing to work today. Today is the day of that meeting I’ve been doing all the prep for!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 468