• Apollo was such a good boy at the vet Friday and the staff kept commenting on it – I felt like such a proud cat mom! Apollo was eager to get out of his carrier and explore and roll around on the floor. He even tried to get into the back office of the clinic. Ha. I wonder if he remembers it from when he was a baby and that’s why he was so comfortable? (He was born there and lived there for about 3 months!)
  • We moved his annual appointment up a few weeks because he’s had some infrequent bloody stool (the asked how we knew it was his – cause he’s the only one who does naughty poops outside of the box and that’s where we see it). The vet prescribed more fiber (pumpkin). So far, so good!
  • The vet jokingly called me a crazy cat lady while I was there, which he also did last time, when I brought Penny in. Both times were in reference to caring for outdoor cats. I really like our vet, and we joke around, but I let him know I hate being called a crazy cat lady. Just cat lady is fine, but please don’t call me crazy. He was like “yeah, you aren’t crazy, crazy would be [situation I am not going to write out].” I could write a lot more about this (he’s not the only one who has called me that). But guys. How often do you see me even mention our cats on here? I talk about flying more. And I don’t blab about our cats in real life either. I know most people don’t care. I am somewhat self-aware. ANYWAY.
  • Another thing I could write more about: me being friendly and funny isn’t always well accepted at work with certain clients, and I have to be so serious, and it’s just NOT ME. UGH. I know we don’t get to be 100% ourselves at work all the time but UGH UGH UGH.
  • I am still struggling with typing on my phone. I generally can’t stand it. Insert old lady emoji here.
  • Alani has this caramel apple flavor drink called Witch’s Brew that apparently only comes out once a year and it’s my favorite and I can’t find it anymore and I only have one can left (saving for a special occasion). WAH!
  • Ha! I forgot I had this down here. Another thing I could write more about: sometimes I have to wait to make decisions about doing things until I am in a different mindset, otherwise I will just say no. Anyone else?

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 467