• My Tuesday post wasn’t meant to alarm/worry you or make you think I hate my job. It was just me trying to express how busy I am at work and how it’s making the days fly by. And that I need to continue to focus on relaxing during my time off.
  • Sometimes at work customers will ask me if they are my only customer. No. I have 29. Eight of those are new-to-me as of October 1 (I dropped 2 and picked up 8). And some of those 29 have sub agencies/bureaus… ANYWAY. I hope when they are asking it’s because I provide such top level customer service they must think they are my ONLY one. Ha. That must be it, right?
  • I recently realized that Steven is the age now (43) that my Mom was when she first met Steven in 2002… when I was 18. That’s a lot of numbers. It’s mostly just another reflection on how fast time goes by. And that I cannot imagine being our age and having a kid in college.
Steven and me the night he met my Mom and her mom
  • I knew the date on that photo was wrong and that it’s from sometime in October 2002. 2002 planner to the rescue! It was October 30.
  • I’m trying not to focus on weight as a personal health metric, but it’s something I need to know for when we fly so Steven can do the weight and balance of the plane. So that’s… something. It doesn’t make me feel bad, just fights my “weight doesn’t matter” mentality with “well, actually it does for flying.”
  • Well, you saw it above, but here is my new mani from last week!
  • I have a few other random thoughts but I’ll save them for another day or their own post!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 466