One of my favorite stories about Steven (that was in the vault until last night!) is from MANY years ago when we were eating at a Chinese restaurant with his entire family. At the end of the meal the waiter brought out fortune cookies and I grabbed one, and after I read my fortune Steven proclaimed that I took “his” fortune and grabbed it from my hand and ate it. The paper, not the cookie.

It was hilarious. I wish I could remember what the fortune was!

Ever since then I let Steven distribute the fortune cookies. He says there’s a method that must be followed. I trust him. Ha.

So last night we got Chinese takeout and Steven’s fortune was “It’s time to rekindle an old friendship,” which lead him to joke about how he doesn’t have any friendships to rekindle.

Which lead me to (jokingly) tell him he needs to make friends and (seriously tell him) I want him to find love again/remarry if I die before him so he’s not alone.

I know, probably not where you thought this was going.

So we were joking about potential people he could ask to marry him and I told him to practice a pickup line on me.

“Does your face hurt?”

“No… why?”

“Because you look like you fell from heaven.”

FOLKS, WE DIED LAUGHING. I am writing this from the beyond and this is a moot point now because we died together. Aww.

But really! What the heck is that pickup line?

He eventually realized it’s supposed to be “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” Then we kept laughing and crying and my nose got stuffed up and my stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

He looked up different (better?) pickup lines and my second favorite (the first is too inappropriate to share) was “Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a sweet ass.” HAHAHAHAHAH

He said he’ll be practicing pickup lines on me. I’m pretty excited to hear what ridiculousness he comes up with next! (This morning he interrupted my shower to say “I’m jealous of that water because it’s all over you and I’m not.” hahahahahahah)