TIL = Today I Learned. And truthfully, it should be FIL because I learned these things Friday. Ha. But I have to share two things I learned for the first time Friday, that probably most people know.

First, cake balls are not just cake baked in a ball shape.

I had never had a cake ball before! My snister brought me four when I saw her last week, and I loved them, and loved that they were doughy but wasn’t sure if they were supposed to be.

But my snis confirmed they are – they’re crumbled cake mixed with frosting, (purposefully) giving it a dough like consistency. I had no idea (neither did Steven – he thought the same as me)! I’m a fan!

Second, aqua socks are different than aqua shoes.

I thought they were the same thing, and people used them interchangeably. But no, aqua socks don’t have as sturdy of a sole, and are more like, ding ding, you guessed it, socks.

I never thought about this. I’ve always had the shoe type. I bought some to take to Rachel’s with us (to wade through the water to get to her boat (we have aqua shoes but left them at the river)) and was surprised when I opened them and they were like socks. I really liked them though! They’re so much easier to get on and are perfect for when you don’t need a sturdy sole.

So, big learning going on over here. Yep! Ha ha.