For you to answer!

  1. Are you over summer (specifically, the heat)?
  2. Have you starting snoozing/unfollowing/whatever people on socials because of election madness?
  3. When you use GPS, do you use north up or course up?

1. When we flew to Rochelle on the 8th I wore jeans. JEANS! And I felt great! Last Friday when we flew with Val I wore shorts and when Steven was doing steep turns I felt sweat trickle down the back of my leg. Ick.

It’s still summer but UGH. I’m over the heat and looking forward to cooler days. Apologies to my southern friends who will not be getting a break anytime soon.


3. Okay, so I’ve always been a north up girlie with GPS. That’s just how my brain operates – on a grid with cardinal directions. That’s all good in the car.

But when we fly I have north up on ForeFlight which works amazingly for wayfinding, but I am STRUGGLING when I encounter traffic and need to tell Steven where it is on the clock (for example, traffic at 2:00, 2 miles out, 500′ below). I need a clock on my airplane icon OR I need to try course up. Steven, we need to look at this before Friday!