[52] The Teacher by Freida McFadden
Fiction / Thrillers / Psychological, gift from Dunja, paperback

Synopsis: Addie is miserable. She was involved in a scandal with a teacher during her sophomore year. Now it’s her junior year and she’s being ostracized. The only joy in her day is English class with dreamy Mr. Bennett. Mrs. Bennett also works at the school, has Addie in her math class, and is also miserable. Everyone thinks her husband is gorgeous and amazing, but he’ll only have sex with her once a month and cares more about the students than her.

Review: My synopsis and the synopsis online make you wonder what the heck this book is even about. But yeah, it’s basically about a miserable student and teacher, and the bad things they get up to. I flew through this because the pacing was so fast, and I wanted to see what happened to these characters. Not because I like them – they are all horrible – but because I wanted to see them get in trouble. I enjoyed the book and it was nice to read something outside of romance (which has been my jam for a minute)!

TW: Inappropriate student/teacher relationships

Recommend? If the TW does not bother you, yes

[53]  Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend by MJ Wassmer
Fiction / Literary, green light from Knox on The Popcast, audio

Synopsis: Dan and Mara are on a tropical vacation at a new resort when the sun explodes. Now the have to figure out how to survive, along with the occupants of the other buildings on the resort. One building quickly steals all the food and medicine to claim it for themselves, and puts the other buildings to work. Dan must decide whether to follow along or fight back.

Review: I have very mixed feelings about this book. I really struggle with storylines around people fighting over resources, and hoarding. I also get that this book is supposed to make me have feelings about that. So hey, look at me, feeling something. This storyline is compelling though, I mean, the sun exploding? This sounds like sci fi. It’s not though. And it’s actually pretty obvious what’s going on. And Dan is pretty unlikeable. He struggles throughout most of the book with not living up to the expectations he’s set for himself, wanting to be remembered (because they are surely going to die), but also somehow being seen as a rebel by other people at the resort, but not wanting to be a leader. This is going to sound insensitive, but are people really that hung up over leaving a mark on the world and being remembered? Get over yourself, Dan. Just be kind, like your girlfriend, Mara. Mara is great. Dan describes her as being completely genuine, and 100% herself around everyone. That’s how I’d like to be described, but I still struggle a bit with it. Anyway.

I make it sound like I hate this book. I didn’t. I just disliked Dan and how obvious it was what was going on. And disliked one group of people taking more resources and not distributing them evenly (the base of much conflict irl – what can I say – I read to escape).

Recommend? Sure, if you don’t think the things that bugged me would bug you! It was well written.

[54]  Heartless (Chestnut Springs #2) by Elsie Silver
Fiction / Romance / Contemporary, #2 in series, Kindle

Synopsis: Cade needs a nanny for his 5 year-old so he can work long days at the ranch. Willa has the summer off and nothing to do. She visits the ranch to see her best friend Summer (from the first book) and finds herself with the job. Cade’s broody and grumpy personality is a complete contrast to Willa’s bright and fun one, but hey, you know what they say about opposites attract…

Review: I loved this story and Cade and Willa’s chemistry! What a fun read. The ending made me roll my eyes a bit, but I still loved it.

Recommend? Yes