• I feel like people drive so much crazier/riskier since the pandemic. We see something bizarre every time we drive (on Monday we saw a left on red). When Steven leaves to go to work, I always say “watch out for f*ckos!” All that to say, on Steven’s drive home yesterday, he saw a truck get t-boned and fly up in the air. The truck landed on its side, and the driver was trapped. The passenger door wouldn’t open, so Steven and three others bent it open wide enough for the driver to climb/crawl out. Both drivers were thankfully okay and the cops showed up right away to help. BE SAFE OUT THERE FOLKS! WATCH OUT FOR F*CKOS!
    • We were discussing times for Steven to do a night currency flight* and were checking sunset times and were shocked by how much earlier there were going to be over the course of the next few weeks. Science and math, baby! Winter is coming. In three months. (*Steven can fly by himself at night, but to fly with a passenger (me!) at night he must have completed 3 takeoffs and landings at night in the last 90 days)
    • Last year we had plans every weekend in October. It was fun but we were exhausted! It looked like this October was going to shape up the same way and then slowly almost everything was canceled or postponed (or declined) and it feels so good. I know you get me!
    • This is one of those weeks where I had something going on every day after work. Props to those of you who that is your regular week because it exhausts me! I know I could get used to it… I just don’t want to. See above bullet about liking free time.
    • Do you ever think “I wish I was less needed at work”? Sigh. I am glad I have such an amazing team who can handle things for me when I take time off.
    • When Val was here she commented on how good I am at taking photos when we’re together (thank you!). The funny thing is, I’ve been trying to use my phone less, so I have to be way more purposeful about it now. I’m actually feeling like I need to take more random shots of my day to day life (like this Tuesday run photo below).

    Long story short (maybe?), on Tuesday I texted Steven “Wow! Great memory!” and he said “Lol I’d better screenshot that part about my great memory” (since I am “typically telling him he can’t remember things” that I told him). Flash forward to Tuesday night when he asks if I saw what he added to our digital photo frame – that screenshot. “I was going to print it and frame it, but then I remembered I can add it to the digital frame.” Ha ha, right?

    But wait! There’s more! I said “You know, my mom looks at every photo I add to our frame and is going to ask about it.” It’s an Aura frame and she can see on the app when I add photos. Sure enough, she asked about it Wednesday morning. Ha. It’s even funnier because it’s a memory of something that happened to me and my mother that I told Steven about. Which she and I don’t remember as vividly as Steven. Ha ha ha ha ha. I started a group chat so Steven could explain it to her.

    Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 464