Today’s flying adventure was to Lake Lawn Airport in Delavan, Wisconsin (C59), with Bobbi!

We picked this airport because it’s close (34.9 nautical miles, 24 minute flight there and 27 on the way back) and it’s across the street from Lake Lawn Resort, which has a few restaurants we could go to for lunch. Originally we invited Bobbi and her husband, then realized the Cessna 172 that was available couldn’t carry all of us and fuel. The other plane we fly has a bigger engine and higher useful load but wasn’t available. All four of us will have to go together in the future in that plane, cause spoiler alert, we had a lot of fun!

After we figured that out earlier this week and knew it would just be the three of us, we turned to weather watch. It was HELLA windy here this weekend. Steven was going to fly Friday night to get his night currency for passengers and had to cancel because the wind was gusting so high. Besides throwing you around in the air, the high winds can create a crosswind on the runway that affect your stability and control and cause you to drift off course.

Fun, fun!

It was pretty windy at Waukegan (look at Bobbi’s hair blowing back!) but we obviously had two safe takeoffs and landings.

And actually, the wind had reduced a bit once we got inland/away from Lake Michigan (Steven still had to do a lot of corrections to land safely at Lake Lawn from crosswind, but it was a super smooth landing! I was impressed.).

Airport circled in yellow. The resort is the green area on the lake underneath the yellow circle.

We had a lovely time chatting at lunch then walked around a bit at the resort.

It was sunny and hot there, completely different weather than we were experiencing in Illinois before we left. That lake effect back home, I tell ya.

Gah, on the flight home I went to open Steven’s new water bottle, which has a straw in it, and the pressure change made it throw water all over me, the iPad, my headset, and the plane. Derp. We won’t be using that bottle in the plane again. (My headset controller is now currently sitting in a bag of rice. Sigh. It was fine on the flight but there was water in it when I got home. And I only know that because I went to change the batteries. I’m glad I saw it!)

But other than that, totally great flight! I love seeing the land around us from above, and really enjoyed pointing things out to Bobbi. We love having passengers and Bobbi said she really enjoyed it!

The preserve I often run in, and our house

I’m so glad we got to go, and share it with Bobbi! I worked most of yesterday (Fake Meats work) and needed to do something fun today. Y’all have maybe picked up that my life is mostly work, flying, and the occasional visit with family and friends. I really look forward to these adventures! We’ll have to slowly wean me off of them in the fall so I don’t struggle in the winter if we can’t fly much because of weather. Kind of joking, but kind of not. I’ve been really looking forward to this for a long time and am so grateful I get to go with Steven!