I feel like it’s been one thing after another this year, holding me back from going all out at the gym. I had a weird pectoral strain, I was training for a marathon, my right shoulder was sore, I hurt my neck, I had infections, my chest hurt again, etc. etc. Ugh.

I was excited to have an entire week off last week then start with a fresh, uninjured slate on Monday this week.

But then I was lazy and didn’t wear my water shoes at the river.

First I got a cut on the bottom of my foot. Then I had a teeny tiny piece of metal or something in my big toe. My snister worked hard at the beach and at the house that night to get it out. Thanks, snis!

Did I learn my lesson?

No, of course not.

The last day on the water, I stepped on a log or something and it tore that same toe the f*ck up. If you want to see gross pictures of it, click here and here. The good news is, that metal or whatever is definitely gone. The bad news is it’s torn the f*ck up and needs to heal.

So… another week where I am babying something at the gym. Sigh. Maybe next week. Or the week after.