I was walking to the office this morning thinking about how nervous I am to meet with a client later in the day because I don’t know what to say (especially when they are upset or yelling at me, which shouldn’t(?) be the case today) and feel awkward moving conversation along.

Then I made the connection that that’s the exact opposite of who I am socially. I never get anxious about talking to people, even strangers, in a social setting. Do I sometimes feel too lazy to do the work? DEFINITELY. Am I sometimes completely drained by it? OF COURSE. Do I dread talking to certain people? ABSOLUTELY. But I never feel anxious about it like I do for work.

I need to bring more of my social Kim vibes to that part of my work role. I mean… I think that’s why they put me in account management? It’s way different stakes, but I need to remind myself I am someone who (generally) likes talking to people (when they aren’t taking anger about a situation I had no involvement in/control over out on me).

No related picture so here’s me in the office last week using a Starbucks gift card I got for my birthday