• Blog Problems – if you’re trying to comment and getting a 500 server error, I’m sorry, and thank you for trying to comment. I contact my host almost daily to try to fix this with no success and don’t see myself making the bandwidth anytime soon (or ever) to figure out what the problem is. So please copy your comment before you hit submit so if it disappears you still have it. I’ve actually been doing that for years when I leave comments. (And that is what I do now with any content I make her since half of the time I hit “save draft” I get an error.)
  • Since I am already pissy, WHY do I have to call the pharmacist and beg for them to fill my blood thinners every time I am about to run out? Each time I can’t use the auto refill on the app because it’s “too soon.” Then I go through the painful process of trying to call them (now they won’t even let you do that – they make you leave a message). Then it’s always some user error. Yesterday it was “we wrote 90 day supply but only gave you 30.” Yeah, no shit. When I pick it up I am going to open it and see what the f*ck they gave me this time.
  • Last week I had another situation at work where someone was telling me how I feel. As in “Kim, you LOVE doing that.” Nope, I am telling you I don’t. I may be good at it, but I don’t love it. “But you always volunteer to do it!” Nope, I am voluntold, and you cannot use that as a reason for me to do most of the work. Yeah, those were basically my responses. It’s a huge trigger for me when I tell someone “I don’t like that/I feel this way” and they say “You do like that/you don’t feel that way.” GAWD.
  • You know the saying “I can’t, I have to wash my hair”? I always thought it was a joke then I signed up for Prose and they gave me a shampoo mask I need to put on and wear for 15-30 minutes before I wash my hair. So it does take about 40-45 minutes now.
  • On a positive note, The Popcast added a Patreon tier where I can pay to get main feed content commercial free. Yes, please. I can’t stand hearing them. (The complaint here is that Apple Podcasts doesn’t always hold my listening spot and starts me at the top of the show. WHHHHY.)
  • Steven told me he added up his flying log book, and has 102.8 hours, with 19.4 as pilot in command. Wow! We may have some news on his test but I’ll wait and share when it’s confirmed. (Or likely, after it happens.)
  • New mani from last week!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 461