- Yesterday was me and Bobbi’s one year anniversary at WWM (the gym where I do strength training)! I’ve taken 180 classes there so far, and I’m so glad I started. It’s such an empowering and fun place to train and it’s really changed my mindset on a lot of things. I wasn’t sure how I’d fit strength training into my schedule when I started, but I made it work – mostly by doing less cardio.

- I had my annual with my gyno this week and she told me now that I’m 40 I get to start doing a mammogram each year. So I scheduled that. I appreciated the heads up she gave me that 1 in 5 first timers get a request to do a follow-up mammogram (because of the quality of the image? now I can’t remember, ha, good job Kim) and the advice to go right after your period ends when your breasts are the smallest (news to me!).
- Our carrots are actually growing! Woo hoo!

- My mom bought some Alanis for our river trip and now I’m hooked. And they’re not cheap! But I love me a super sweet drink. They have 200 mg caffeine but I’m not feeling it when I drink them. (Or maybe I am and would feel it if I didn’t?)

- A few updates from last week’s RTT:
- My toe is better! Woo hoo!
- I found the theatrical cut of The Fall Guy in the blu ray set I got. Phew. We will only watch that one moving forward.
- When I brought Penny in last week and the vet said I’m turning into a crazy cat lady, in a joking way (we go waaaaaay back). Sigh. I told him I’m trying not to, I really am. But she showed up in a bad situation, and I’m not going to ignore that!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 460
The reason I was told why so many first-time mammograms get called back is because they don’t have a previous scan to compare to if they see anything funny. And yes, I was called back in after my first, and yes, I was sure I had cancer and was going to die, and no, everything was fine!
Oh, thank you so much for adding that. That makes so much sense. And I am very sorry you went through that worry π
What ccr said! We all have weird lumps and bumps and they have nothing to compare them with the first time. I was one of the five that got called back my first time. It was a rough few weeks emotionally and getting a biopsy wasn’t fun, but then I got the “you don’t have cancer” phone call and the world was right again.
If doing crazy good things for cats makes you a crazy cat lady, then so be it! None of us can fix the world, but we can all do good things for the fur babies that come our way.
Thanks for sharing that! And like I said to CCR, I am so sorry you had to go through that scary unknown π I am glad it was all fine.
Aww thanks for saying that. That is my little contribution!
I have been getting mammograms since age 35 and I have never heard the advice to come right after your period ends!!! That is a hot tip!
Ooooo! Glad to share it with you! I was like “the first time I got one I blacked out, any tips?” and that is when she shared that. Hopefully that helps?
I have never been told to have my mammogram at any point in my cycle. I honestly just go when there’s an opening. I have “dense breast tissue” and I’m partially convinced mammograms are a scam and they’d never be able to see anything on one for me, anyway. Do self exams, people! That’s how most breast cancers are caught. (I do get mammograms, but the note I get from each one says that they can’t read it because of dense tissue. I roll my eyes EVERY TIME.)
I was also never told to come and get my mammogram at a particular time in my cycle. Weird. And I also have “dense breast tissue” and I wonder if they say that about anyone above an A cup LOL I do go regularly though. Better safe than sorry.
I wonder that too! I will report back if they tell me that. And yeah, I agree – better safe than sorry!
How do you even schedule a mammogram at the end of your cycle? I mean, I know around the time when my cycle ends but I feel like you have to schedule them a ways out?! Maybe not. Anyway, I hope the mammogram goes well and you don’t have to go back in for extra testing!
Congrats on your WWM-aversary. 180 classes is amazing!!
My cycle is pretty regular so I just pulled up the prediction for the next one and matched it with the next appointment! I was surprised there was availability too. Thank you!
And thanks!