• Yesterday was me and Bobbi’s one year anniversary at WWM (the gym where I do strength training)! I’ve taken 180 classes there so far, and I’m so glad I started. It’s such an empowering and fun place to train and it’s really changed my mindset on a lot of things. I wasn’t sure how I’d fit strength training into my schedule when I started, but I made it work – mostly by doing less cardio.

  • I had my annual with my gyno this week and she told me now that I’m 40 I get to start doing a mammogram each year. So I scheduled that. I appreciated the heads up she gave me that 1 in 5 first timers get a request to do a follow-up mammogram (because of the quality of the image? now I can’t remember, ha, good job Kim) and the advice to go right after your period ends when your breasts are the smallest (news to me!).
  • Our carrots are actually growing! Woo hoo!

  • My mom bought some Alanis for our river trip and now I’m hooked. And they’re not cheap! But I love me a super sweet drink. They have 200 mg caffeine but I’m not feeling it when I drink them. (Or maybe I am and would feel it if I didn’t?)

  • A few updates from last week’s RTT:
    • My toe is better! Woo hoo!
    • I found the theatrical cut of The Fall Guy in the blu ray set I got. Phew. We will only watch that one moving forward.
    • When I brought Penny in last week and the vet said I’m turning into a crazy cat lady, in a joking way (we go waaaaaay back). Sigh. I told him I’m trying not to, I really am. But she showed up in a bad situation, and I’m not going to ignore that!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 460