• I took Penny (the stray that showed up on Father’s Day) to the vet yesterday to get a general wellness check and to see if she’s chipped. She is chipped! She’s a 12.5 year-old female from Sturtevant, Wisconsin, originally adopted from a Humane Society in Wisconsin. The vet tried to contact her people but couldn’t get a hold of them, and will keep trying. This vet appointment made me very emotional for a lot of reasons, a big one being that Penny was a house cat that was either booted or escaped/is lost, and has been roughing it for who knows how long. She’s not in great health shape and we’re doing everything we can to make her comfortable outside, but I feel extra bad now, knowing she definitely had indoor house cat perks before (and that’s not something we’re going to offer – we do have that dope cat house though that she’s welcome to use!).

  • I heard back that I did NOT get into the work leadership course I applied for. 190 people applied nationwide and 28 were selected. I’m not upset; I’m actually relieved. I have a big change coming up at work and was not sure how I was going to focus on that and an intense leadership course.
  • I have a kind of funny work-related story. I was buying plane tickets this week and was like, “first class is $300 more, ‘f*ck it’ I’m getting first class for this 4+ hour flight each way.” Then I got a $300 Special Acts Award at work. It was meant to be!
    • It felt great to get that award/recognition for the hard work I’ve put in on a very specific thing over the last year.
  • The tickets are to Seattle in November! That will be my next meetup with Tiff and Val, and, AND, my snis is coming too!!! Woo hoo!
  • Steven is still waiting for a date for his final oral exam and checkride. I keep hoping me writing about it will make it happen, like when you call IT with a problem and it resolved itself by the time you connected with someone. But no. Steven is calling DPEs (Designated Pilot Examiners) outside of his school now, to see if one of them will do the exam and checkride.
  • Here is the mani I had for my birthday:

  • And an interim one when I got back because the water was too much for my nails.

  • I’ve been having “500 Internal Server Errors” here for a few weeks. I keep trying to get them fixed to no avail. So if you are seeing those, sorry! They’re super annoying and go away after a few refreshes, but I don’t even want to sit and wait for that so I know you don’t want to.
  • I loved The Fall Guy and thought this one scene where the main character drives a valet car to “Thunderstruck” was so funny. I remember laughing out loud at the theater. Then I received a copy for my birthday and they’ve changed that song to “A Man Without Love” for the extended version and completely killed the vibe. I was so dissapointed!
  • We came home from our trip to a ton of green beans. Delish!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 459