What is your relationship with acronyms?

I work for the federal government. Therefore, acronyms are my life. We love to make acronyms for as many things as possible, and bonus points if the acronym spells out something somewhat related to what it is.

I’m very conscious of this when I’m writing or speaking, and always write out or say the acronym if the person/audience may not know what it is. I’ve been on the receiving end of emails full of so many acronyms I have no idea what I’m reading and waste ten minutes researching what things stand for. Annoying.

All that to say, yesterday I said to Steven “Josh was impressed I knew what ADS-B* stands for.” And Steven said “I’m impressed! I don’t know if I’d remember that one.”

*Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast – this broadcasts information about the aircraft to other aircraft and ATC (Air Traffic Control). It’s how you track planes. 

To which I said the whole spiel above. I was made for this. Just this week Steven introduced VASI and PAPI (Visual Approach Slope Indicator and Precision Approach Path Indicator – visual lights on the runway that let you know if you’re above, below, or at the 3% glide path) to me and I watched a short video and was able to repeat it all back to him that night, along with a general idea of what it is.

Photo from last October. Those four red lights on the left are VASI.

I love learning this stuff.  Are you all ready for when it’s my turn to learn to fly and I spew even more random plane sh*t here?

We won’t talk about what I struggle with, which is the mechanics of the plane. Embarrassing, since my dad is an auto mechanic.