Sunday was fly-in day! I woke up too early, ugh. I thought I would be able to fall back asleep, but no. So I watched the sunrise,

read, then went on a run with Dad.

I’ve had a lot of crap runs lately, but this one felt good, except for a slight headache, which was mostly cured when my snister picked me up and took me to the coffee shop in town (and I got a chai). Thanks, snis!

When I got back I had breakfast with Steven, Josh, Mom, and Dad, then we had a bit of time before the fly-in started, so we went on a boat ride… and got the boat stuck in the shallow water. Ha, what an adventure. I didn’t have my swimsuit on, but I got out, rolled my shorts up, and pushed (along with Dad and Josh) for maybe 10 minutes? I told my trainer about this leg workout on Monday and that I could probably skip leg day this week and she didn’t seem amused. Ha ha ha, me so funny.

When we got back we headed over to the fly-in, even though it was before the slotted time of 12-3pm. The organizer had told Steven that most folks arrive before the noon start time. We got there around 11:30 and that is absolutely true! We saw several planes land, some strange glider things (photo below), and even a helicopter.

Glider thing. These people said they didn’t even know the fly-in was going on! They were wearing full body suits and helmets.

We walked around looking at planes and talking to pilots. I’ve always enjoyed this event in the past, but even more now that I kind of (very loosely kind of) know what I am looking at and what I am asking about. Everyone there was so nice. I loved asking people about their planes and how they got started flying. One pilot told me he was really impressed with me knowing the lingo and some of my knowledge (Josh said that to me later too (when I knew what ADS-B stands for), which made me feel good. I’m trying to learn!!!!).

Me & Mom. I should have taken more photos of the rows of planes to show the scale of the event. You can see a couple rows behind us and old fly-in photos here.

A really nice pilot named Keith invited William to sit in his plane and explained how it all worked to him.

After a bit we went back to our cabin to eat lunch (originally we were going to do the potluck with the other pilots, but decided not to). I had my snister open her birthday presents then too (happy early birthday, snis!). Then we went back to the fly-in. Steven and Josh took the plane we flew out of the hanger and taxied it over to park with the rest of the planes.

Taxiing Mike Alpha over (the call # is N378MA, and we call him Mike Alpha or MA).

I counted 38 planes there, those two glider things, and one helicopter. That seems like a good turnout! The organizer told us if it had been on Saturday he’d expected 70-80 aircraft and he thought it would be half that amount on a Sunday, so that tracks.

While Steven and Josh were moving our plane around, Mom and I heard something taking off from the water and it was this HUGE seaplane that then came around and landed. Here is a really crappy photo of it:

Then the show was more of walking around, checking things out, and chatting.

At some point we went to see if we won any door prizes (pilots get entered for them) and we hadn’t, BUT, the girls handing out door prizes had befriended my snis and offered her and all of us to pick something out, so we got some really nice swag:

Then planes started to take off right after 2:00! I was very confused by the 12-3pm schedule. In my mind it was arrive after 12:00, leave after 3:00, but it was more like be there by 12:00, be gone by 3:00? Good to know for when we actually fly-in, since we did more of a fly-out.

We watched planes leave (including the helicopter – I don’t think I will ever have a chance to stand that close to a helicopter taking off again!) then Steven and Josh left with everyone but me and Dad to do preflight and pack back at the house. Dad and I watched more planes leave, including two biplanes that went by and did contrails (smoke trails).

I eventually went back and showered and packed, then we all rode back down to the field to leave (all the back and forth between the house and runway is in golf carts).

We took some more photos,

finished preflight, and took off at 3:53. The density altitude was high, so it took the plane longer to get up to speed. It was fun to watch the island get smaller and smaller, and see the beach we always visit from above.

Do you know about this M?

Raven Glen Forest Preserve

Then it was smooth riding back. It was super hazy, and we stayed below the clouds, and flew straight home, arriving at 5:14. Steven practiced a short field landing and he said it didn’t go very well but it felt fine from the backseat!

If you look through the window you can see he is about to land at the start of the runway (short field landing).

Then we headed home. And were both so completely exhausted, and still felt that way Monday. I think from the packed weekend, less sleep (me) Saturday night, all the flying (Steven), and being out in the intense sun for so much on Sunday. I mean, look at this tan from my sandals!

But. What a fun weekend. Saturday was kind of silly with all that rain at the beach but Sunday definitely made up for it with the awesome fly-in. I’m so grateful we got to do this and hope we do again next year! What do you think, Steven?

Oh! One more thing! My snis text me after we left saying “William thinks its very cool that uncle Steven is a pilot.” Aww, me too, snis! Me too.