When Stephany was here we had a conversation about things we believed as a child that make no sense, and I have to share mine with you because it’s so ridiculous – I thought the only way people died was by being murdered. I heard the phrase “die in your sleep” and thought it meant someone murdered you in bed. I was terrified by this!

Gah. How bizarre is that?

Maybe not too bizarre – Steven shared he was afraid of someone breaking into his house and murdering him. Eek!

I was 4 in this photo – hopefully I wasn’t thinking about murder yet

Do you remember thinking anything ridiculous like that?

Stephany shared that she thought “don’t drink and drive” meant don’t drink anything AT ALL. Ha!

Speaking of alcohol, my little kid brain thought having any alcohol in your house made you an alcoholic. I remember being at a friend’s house and her dad came home and grabbed a beer from the fridge and I was like OMG!!!!! Ha. I’m guessing I felt this way because my parents didn’t have any alcohol anywhere that I was aware of in our home (I’ve never seen my dad drink alcohol, and my mom only a few times).

And finally, this is just pathetic, and not a thing that I thought, but something I did to try to fit in that I’m just randomly sharing here. I remember going to friends’ houses as a kid and they’d play music and I’d have NO idea what it was. We’re talking mainstream bands like New Kids on the Block and TLC. When they’d ask me my favorite singer I’d make one up! And when they were all singing along I’d pretend to know the words too.

Ha ha ha ha ha. I was such a little loner (who was listening to classic rock at home).

Hmm, I feel like there was one more embarrassing story I wanted to share, but I can’t remember so I’ll leave it at that!