It’s just one of those weeks where all the thoughts I put on here are short and random! Here’s some more.

I used an exfoliating mitt last night to get ready for my spray tan today. Have you ever used one of those things? Whoa! My skin feels so soft, but everything that touched it right after agitated it – my watch, my bracelets, my flip flops. Very interesting. Maybe something I should do more often… the internet says like 2-3x a week. Oops.

We saw Twisters last night. I love summer blockbusters, and I can only pay attention to action movies like that in the theater.

The action scenes were fun and I was on the edge of my seat, but I don’t think Steven and I have ever eyerolled at each other more during a film. Ha. But that’s okay, we had fun.

Speaking of paying attention, I told a coworker this week how the pandemic killed my virtual meeting attention span and they were like “no it didn’t.” Ha, okay. You obviously know how I feel more than I do. (And hey, if they didn’t notice, that’s GREAT.)

When I was on my way to Guttenberg last week I overhead someone asking for directions at a rest stop and asked if I could help, and lo and behold, they were actually going somewhere I knew about. After 10 minutes of discussion they were like, “you’re really nice!” I said thanks, and wish I had been wearing this shirt, ha.

Don’t mind the odd face, I was preparing for a jump photo

On Monday right after I wrote in my One Line a Day journal about the great therapy session I had where we talked about accepting things as they are, I proceeded to remember I never received a package, then looked it up and saw it was marked as wrong address* and returned to sender. In China. And it was one of those Makeship campaigns where (I thought) they only make the amount ordered.

Then I proceeded to freak out, essentially forgetting earlier, calm and collected “it is what it is” Kim.

Sigh. Then I felt bad for letting it bother me so much. I’ve really had to relearn being kind to myself about the emotions I am having lately.

Long story long, I contacted the company and they were able to reship it and I got it yesterday.

It being a stuffed animal. Yep, that is what I was upset about!

But I had to get Mocha and complete my Honeybelle collection OKAY?!

*Someone must have received a bunch of our mail and marked it as wrong address, because I also received a birthday card with the correct address on it, with “wrong address” circled on the envelope

I apologize for the vagueness on this one, but have you ever felt like you can’t compete/prove yourself against the story/image someone has of you in their head? Obviously, those are NOT your people, but you often don’t know that’s going on until it’s too late!