My blog turned 19 today. Happy birthday, blog!

Speaking of age, my car turned over 100K miles on Friday. Keep on keepin’ on, car!!! Please!

Also speaking of age, I spent the weekend in Iowa getting my family’s river house ready for our friends to come visit. I said to my snis, “when did we become the age where we’re doing the cleaning and meals instead of playing in the water?” I remember distinctly as a kid when my grandma stopped coming with us on the boat to the beach, and stayed behind to clean and cook. That always seemed HORRIBLE to me. And still does, actually, but shit needs to get done!

it wasn’t all work and no play. I got out for two runs with Dad, got a chai at the new coffee shop in town with my snis, painted a little with William, and sat down for meals (ha).

Oh! And the runway was dry and we saw a few planes take off!