While in Vail I was trying to articulate to Val what was so difficult at work that was making me miserable, and I could NOT do it. I’d like to blame that on the lack of oxygen, but the truth is, I am always that inarticulate.

Ha, here’s proof, and I hope this makes you laugh:

Like, what is going on with my brain? I was able to remember the word articulate but not inarticulate while writing this? I feel like the brainstorming and idea forming part of my brain has been on a leave of vacation for over a year. I am STRUGGLING.

Okay, but that’s not actually what I came here to write about. Back to it!

So Val is being such a great listener and I am describing what was going on and just thinking “WHY was this such a big deal?! It sounds like absolutely NOTHING when you talk about it!”

I quickly shut that thought down. It was a big deal to ME. It had national exposure and was escalated and urgent. I had to coordinate with the head of my organization (and a bunch of other folks that I won’t get in to). That’s big deal status.

But maybe looking back at it and thinking it doesn’t sound like a big deal can help me handle other big deals better in the future. Like… maybe when I am in the moment then, I will stop and think “Hey! Remember the last time you lost your s-word about something and shut off from the planet that after it was all over it didn’t seem like that big of a deal?” Maybe? What do we think? 50/50 chance?

Ha, if not that, at least I learned a lot of lessons about how to handle that specific instance, and what questions to ask when I get assigned a task I’ve never done before! Bright side!