Ha, this is NOT what I came here to blog about, but this is what you’re getting because it just popped into my head.

I saw someone I don’t often see in the office this morning and had a big smile on my face when I greeted them and they said to me “You’re glowing! Did you go somewhere?”

And goshdarnit, I answered how I always do “Just outside!” Then I remembered the last time I told Steven that’s how I answered people when I get that comment he told me that was a jerk* response, like responding to “what are you reading?” with “a book.” Ha. I saw his point!

So I added, “I’ve just been running outside!”

But really… I didn’t go anywhere cool, just outside (my house)!

*He may have not said jerk, I can’t remember exactly how he put it. We were joking around though. 

Speaking of how tan I am, every year I get horrible running tan lines – my back, my shorts, my watch. My sister-in-law gets horrible tan lines too and it’s something we bond over every summer:

This year I’m actually trying to schedule a spray tan to see if it will even them out somewhat for our annual river trip. I really don’t like how these tan lines are highlighted when I’m in a bathing suit.

But it turns out there are a TON of rules about getting ready for a spray tan then taking care of it and I’m not sure if those fit into my hectic weekend before we go on our trip. So we’ll see. It might be another summer of highly visible tan lines. Maybe I should just learn how to photoshop them away. Ha.