A few more things I forgot to share from the weekend!

We had music playing while we were cleaning and my snis prompted Ella to tell me her favorite song. Turns out it’s AC/DC’s “T.N.T.” Our niece has great taste! We played it and hearing her sing along and say “dynamite” was one of the cutest things ever. Definitely a highlight!

Switching gears away from cute, I was telling my mom and snis how some of the ladies at the gym were complimenting me on my butt, saying “you always had a big butt, but it looks bigger – have you been working on it?” and then I explained that in my gym that’s one of the highest compliments – everyone is trying to grow their booty!

Not sure if they are called butt scrunch or booty lifting or just lifting or whatever… but our gym owner sells these shorts, leggings, and bras, so I bought a few sets! Here’s where you can get them. OMG. This reminds me of last year at the beach when my mom was talking about everyone’s swimsuits being up their butts. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHHHAAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH. 

Later my mom brought it back up to me and said it was interesting a big butt is popular now because when she was growing up Twiggy and Cher were popular and that was not her body type at all. Then she told me about a time she was in Vegas (with my dad? Or her dad? hmm) and she was walking down the street and someone yelled out the window at her “nice ass!” Ha. Get it, Mom!

Mom & Dad in ’76

I forgot to mention this yesterday in my “when did we become the age” comment, but when I brought that up to my snis, I also mentioned how crazy it is to think my peers at work (meaning people my age) are in line for leadership roles. Some of them are already acting in that capacity. I mean, I’ve been there 15 years but it still feels like “isn’t there an adultier adult to take this to?” I’m still surprised when it’s me.

Ugh, that being said, I am burned out on the majority of my job being escalations and people complaining to me. It’s hard on my anxiety when everything is “urgent” and an “emergency.” Wah wah, right?

I talked to my supervisor about it today and she had some coping advice (framing, practicing gratitude), recommendations (be off work when I’m off, etc.) and reminded me “it’s just real estate.” Indeed. (And I had asked her for the advice, to be clear!)

Lastly, I cannot believe I ever thought cleaning weekend at the river would be a good time to fly in. I mean, I can – the big appeal is it’s a one hour flight vs a four hour drive. That was our original plan, but we scratched it when Steven realized how challenging it was to get the final oral exam and checkride scheduled.

Turns out, I didn’t really even have room for another passenger in my car! I had a mattress in there, a cooler full of food, pillows and beach towels to leave there, tons of cleaning supplies, a box of rocks, bathroom supplies to leave there for us for when we do fly, all my weekend stuff, etc. Ya girl does not naturally pack light, but can for special occasions!