I had so many things in my Random Thoughts Thursday post for tomorrow that I pulled some of them for today. So, a few updates:

Saturday nap. Can you find all 4 cats?

Sunday balcony time

  • There was a surprise wonderful outcome from all that happening. My German friend Dunja, who reads my blog, read about it and learned a new English word – barf. I’m so proud of myself. Ha ha ha.
  • Steven got his 10 night takeoffs and landings done Friday night! Check that off the list! “Night” is defined by the FAA as one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, so he started around 9:30 and got home at 11:30.
    • FAA is one of my clients at work. I was on the phone with someone there a couple weeks ago and they said an acronym I didn’t understand and I was really excited to use the NATO phonetic alphabet (I learned it for flight purposes) to repeat it back to them to make sure I got it right. I did, and then they used non-NATO phonetic words back at me (Sam for S instead of Sierra)!!! I was so surprised.
  • We weeded the garden Sunday and put in the next row of green beans. The stuff we planted a month ago is looking good!

Cilantro, basil, and cucumber

Carrots, pea pods, and green beans