Writing at work has been such a struggle lately. I wished it flowed as easily as it does here. Instead I get stuck in loops of rereading what I wrote over and over, to make sure it makes sense.

I obviously don’t do that here. Ha!

Applications opened on Monday for a leadership course my supervisor recommended I take. I looked at the application and saw two essay-esque questions that had a limit of 10,000 words.

Yikes. And we only had two weeks to submit and it requires two levels of supervisory approval during that two week process.

So I got to work on it right away. I worked late, ate dinner with Steven, then got back to work while he was at his flying lesson. I felt really burned out and my head was spinning. I couldn’t focus, so I called it quits.

Today when I opened it to look at it again, I read it more closely and noticed it said 10,000 characters. Um… that’s a huge difference.

Apparently I’ve been struggling with reading comprehension too. Sigh.