[34] It’s a Date – Again by Jeneva Rose
Fiction / Romance / Contemporary, saw on Kindle Unlimited, Audio

Synopsis: Peyton finally realized who the love of her life is and as she rushed off to tell them she got hit by a car and ended up losing her memory. Three men show up in her hospital room all claiming they are dating. With the help of her two best friends, Peyton plans to figure out which of the three men is the one.

Review: Wow, this was really bad, cheesy, and INCREDIBLY predictable. I knew who it was going to be from Chapter 2. The only fun thing about this book is it’s set in Chicago, so I was familiar with the places they were going. Other than that, it was very painful and I only finished it because I forgot I had another audiobook to listen to.

Recommend? No

[35] Wilder (The Renegades #1) by Rebecca Yarros
Fiction / Romance / New Adult, buddy read with Anita, Kindle

Synopsis: Leah has the opportunity of a lifetime – to spend an entire college school year sailing the world in the “Study at Sea” program. The only way she could afford it was to tutor someone, and she gets paired with Paxton, aka Wilder, a daredevil, X Games medalist who’s part of a group of adrenaline junkies called the Renegades. Leah has recent trauma from a car crash over a cliff and is terrified of heights, but keeps finding herself in risky situations with Paxton… and even finds herself falling for him (buah ha ha, love the pun?).

Review: I sent Anita a copy of In the Likely Event by Yarros and she loved it so we decided to buddy read this together. Anita finished it in 1.5 days! Ha! It took me 6 days. Anyway. This book is so ridiculous and out there. The premise of a semester at sea? That Leah keeps ending up in this high risk situations or in harm’s way? That these two would ever fall for each other? But hey, romance does not have to be realistic, and this plotline does make for exciting events. So I mostly enjoyed it, especially a twist and high stakes ending. But I also rolled my eyes A LOT. So far, I like the Flight & Glory series better.

Recommend? Nah

[36] Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Fiction / Romance / Fantasy, checked out since I read the ACOTAR series, Audio

Synopsis: Celaena Sardothien was the world’s best assassin until she was sentenced and forced to serve hard labor in the salt mines until she dies. Prince Dorian removes her from the mines and promises her freedom if she can act as his champion in a competition to find a new royal assassin, win the competition, and serve as royal assassin for 4 years. Celaena agrees and travels with him (to the capital?) where she trains, is utterly bored by court life, makes one friend, flirts with the captain of the guard and Prince Dorian, and avoids getting killed because of course there is some evil magic thing killing off the competitors.

Review: Similar to the ACOTAR books, this one is slow slow moving until an exciting ending. I’m not sure if I can do that for many more books (it’s an 8 book series with a complicated reading order)! It’s well done, and interesting, and great world building and character development, blah blah, but ya girl is a bit bored.

Recommend? Nah