• Steven had his mock oral ground exam (for his private pilot license) yesterday and it went well! He has his mock checkride scheduled for July 8. And they told him he could go ahead and schedule the actual exam and checkride but scheduling has been so difficult lately – the school is short one plane and they only have two Designated Pilot Examiners. FIngers crossed he gets on the schedule soon and the weather holds out for that day.
  • I saw Steven fly over the house Monday night! He flies over the house quite a bit on takeoff but this was the first time I caught him.

  • On Tuesday we went to a birthday party in Chicago for one of the brands Steven sells at FakeMeats.com. Upton’s Naturals is turning 18 so they had a pizza buffet with cupcakes from my favorite bakery. The food was all so good!

  • Our cilantro is almost done and mostly bolted. I guess you can let it bolt and seed and more cilantro will grow… we’ll see what we do. All the people we shared it with said it was so good. I’m glad we got so much use out of it.
  • Our green beans and peas are coming in!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 456