• Happy first day of summer! The weather has been so miserable and muggy here, with highs in the 90s and high dew points… and that was still spring. Ahh! I wonder if we’ll have a super hot summer. I hope not.
  • My no chip manicure does not seem to like this humidity! It’s been starting to lift a few days before my appointment, for a couple months now. That doesn’t happen in the winter.
  • I got my balayage touched up Friday! And a trim too. Talking to my colorist at the salon about her drama with her sister made me feel really grateful for mine and the relationship we have. Whoa.

  • I’ve felt really overextended with work (full time and part time) and my upcoming social life lately. Someone I’m not close with on Instagram asked to meet up with me in Chicago and I told them no, that I feel overwhelmed and can’t commit to it. I felt bad. Even though I have no desire to meet up with them, but they responded back immediately “no worries and completely understandable.” It felt good to be honest and not have them press.
  • I mentioned the new B&W cat – since they started showing up, this gray cat (that we’d seen before) has been coming around more too.

  • Notice the dirty toy in the photo above? We’ve been putting out toys for the outdoor cats to play with. They all love to rub over it and throw it around.
  • Our cilantro is still coming in strong. I’ve been cutting it often and sharing it with folks. We don’t eat enough to keep up with it, but I don’t want to leave it alone and have it bolt!
  • Our green beans and peas are starting to grow flowers, so maybe we’ll have the beginning of fruit in a few weeks!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 455