• I’ve kind of lost sight of how I’m supposed to be eating a consistent diet for my blood thinner management (consistent meaning what I eat and how much I eat. It can be whatever, it just needs to be consistent.). I’m fine, it’s just that I have to go in more (pay more for visits, more time off work, more wear & tear on my car) to get care if my INR numbers aren’t consistent. I’m just NOT a big picture gal. Ugh. And you’d think that marathon training had me paying much more attention to my diet. Nah, I was eating more to make sure I was fueled for my runs. I’m trying to be more consistent now, until I forget.
    • Since I mentioned it, I will put some marathon comments here! First – I saw my massage therapist this week and she was telling me how other people she’s known have done races in Colorado and felt like they had heavy legs too. That made me feel better.
    • The second comment is that someone I know is running their first marathon and I am biting my tongue so hard not to be like “OMG YOU NEED TO ACTUALLY FUEL,” etc etc.  Instead I listen, and ask what is working for them, then sent them an Instagram link to a sports dietician I follow. Ha. But I just listen. If people want advice, they will ask for it (and this person does!).
    • The third comment is that the Colfax Marathon used a photo (it’s the second one) I am in on their feed for Global Running Day!

  • Ha, so I’ve been using that fake Stanley since December, and I took it with me to Iowa for Ella’s party. I left it in a room and when I came back I was surprised to see my snister had adorned it with a backpack! Thanks, snis! I’ve gotten a few comments on it at the gym – people think it’s super cute. I put my keys and a Softlips in there (and added a “just in case” GU to it today).
    • This tumbler is too heavy and it’s annoying it doesn’t sit well in my car and that it spills… but I love that it holds 40 ounces of water. The one I’ve been using for years only holds 24 ounces. Now I only have to fill it 4x a day instead of 7x. I’m saving so much time!

  • Okay, speaking of saving time. Ha. Steven sent me this article about how Millennials and Gen Z don’t use top sheets. Read at your own risk. Kind of hard to take an “article” seriously that has misspellings and uses such casual language. But a few thoughts:
    • I’m sick of seeing articles like this. I don’t care if the generation behind me (I’m a Millennial) doesn’t use a top sheet, doesn’t wear skinny jeans, wears crew socks, or parts their hair down the middle. IDGAF. You do you. I know it’s tradition to pit the generations against each other, but, eyeroll. IDC.
    • All that being said, the reasoning for not using it had me ROTFL: “But why on earth do Millennials and Gen Zers hate top sheets? It turns out it’s mostly about practicality. Many Millennials are on the move holding a full time job and a side hustle or two to make ends meet, adding and extra step when making the bed seems unnecessary.” IT’S TO SAVE PRECIOUS TIME WHEN BED MAKING!
    • So, I had to laugh at myself this past week, when I decided I’m over matching my running socks and I’m just going to put them in the bin and pull two out to wear and go from there. I don’t care if they match and it saves me time SO I CAN FOCUS ON MY SIDE HUSTLE. (Not really, I usually put laundry away before bed so it gives me more time to read or sleep… but the real reason I am not doing it is because I AM SICK OF IT.)
    • If you followed all that, congratulations.
  • I had a few more bullets but this is already pretty long. Maybe I will come back tomorrow with a part 2!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 453