Ha, I have to tell you all an embarrassing story.* I whittled the application for that work leadership course down to 10,000 characters and submitted it Tuesday night. On Thursday my supervisor chatted me that she just finished reading my application and how proud she was of me and excited to write her recommendation. I thanked her and told her I really needed to hear that this week. Then she went on to say how she’s seen so much growth in me, especially in tough weeks like last week. Or something like that.

Whatever she said made me feel really good so I took a screenshot of it to email to myself and put in my “KUDOS” folder, a folder I keep of nice things like that at work to look at when I’m feeling low.

About 30 minutes later I realized I never got the email I sent to myself with the screenshot. I was like, “Oh shit, where’d it go?!”


My supervisor has the same first name as me. Even though I was trying to be careful and select my email, I sent it to her.

So, she got a screenshot of a conversation we had, with the subject “Kudos from Kimberly.”

I felt dumb for about a minute then responded to the email with an “LOL” and told her I meant to send that to myself for my kudos folder because what she said made me feel so good. I told myself “hey, at least now she knows her words are making an impact!”

And thankfully she responded that she figured as much and liked seeing that I was sending it to myself. Or trying to. Ha.

Seriously though. Come on Kim. Last week was so hectic. I need to SLOW DOWN this week. Take my time. Think things through. Double check things.

*Not as embarrassing as the time you thought Lulu’s was a Italian place, Stephany. Like, OMG.