A new-to-us cat showed up in our yard Sunday. I was surprised when I went outside that instead of running away, it walked toward me, meowing at me.

We fed it Sunday, and I thought it would just be passing through, and we’d never see it again, but it’s shown up for every meal.

It’s friendly and lets us pet it.


I’m happy to take care of it – we already feed Snow Jr every time our indoor cats get food (and Stilgar when he shows up) – it’s not an inconvenience.

But this cat breaks my heart. Its fur is dirty (it let me brush it a bit last night, but I’m not about to bathe it). It’s skinny. It seemed low on energy when it arrived, but has been getting better, thankfully. I hate that it’s so hot out right now, but it’s been lounging in shaded spots and drinking lots of water (which makes me worry it has some health issue).

I’d like to just tell myself it’s a rough-looking outdoor cat that just happens to be really friendly. But my brain is like “someone dumped this old cat on your street because they didn’t want it anymore.” Sigh. However it ended up here, we’ll show it love. And I really hope me blogging about it doesn’t mean I’ll have to write a sad update on it soon. Hopefully the next update will be that we picked a name for it!