• I arrived in Denver yesterday to acclimate to the elevation as much as possible before the race on Sunday. I took Tylenol and drank a Liquid IV at home and drank so. much. water. at home, in the airport, on the plane, and once I arrived. We went on a walk after dinner and I felt out of breath going up a small incline and my brain was immediately like “You’re out of shape! You aren’t ready for a marathon!” then I talked to Val and we laughed about how it was just from the elevation. I also felt dizzy and lightheaded at the end of the night. It’s like having a buzz without drinking. Fun fun. Last time I was here it was like this and I had a great long run, hopefully that is the case again this time!
  • Our niece Ella turns 2 next week! I can’t wait to see my family to celebrate. I haven’t seen them since January!

Part of her birthday present!

  • We watched Fallout. I get why people love it but it was not for me. Just too gory! I was painting while we watched it and kept accidentally looking up during all the gross scenes.
  • I was talking in Spanish in one of my dreams this week. This must be a sign that the Spanish I am learning in DuoLingo is sticking! Ha ha.
  • Oh my gosh. I also had the most bizarre dream last night about Val’s husband Steve buying me special shoes to wear for the marathon, but they weren’t bright pink and had some special wings on them that he’d added charms to… like what in the AF, brain? Then in my dream they were  size 11 and I wear 12s and I felt relieved they were the wrong size and I didn’t have to be polite and use them and Val was like “I’m so embarrassed.” Thank you for reading all that, ha.
  • We got an inch of rain in 30 mins on Monday (total rain for the evening was 1.67″). Every time we get rain so fast like that, I feel extremely grateful we had a generator installed (which keeps our sump pumps running and water out of our basement), and I think about the time we got five inches of rain in a day. That storm happened two months after we installed our generator.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 450