
This is a story about cat barf (including a link to a photo), so skip if that’s somehow not your thing. Ha ha.

Last night one of the cats threw up in two spots in the bedroom. I noticed a hairball in the barf and thought maybe that was what caused it, but told Steven we should keep an eye out for increased barfing (our cats rarely barf) because I had just switched their food. Chewy didn’t have their normal dry food so I tried another flavor from the same brand and product line.

When I woke up this morning I thought I saw some dark spots in the hallway and sure enough, there were two more barf spots. I thought about pretending I didn’t see it and leaving it for Steven but SIGH I cleaned it up. I mentally told myself that if this keeps up, we’re getting rid of that new food.

Then I went about my morning routine before driving to the 5:45 strength class. I was feeling proud of myself for having extra time and not being rushed as I walked into the foyer to put on my shoes, and, yeah… there was barf on the foyer stool, running down it, on the floor, and, AND!!!!! in the shoes I wear to class, that I store on the stool. (photo here)

Who did it?! (old photo from March)

So much for not rushing. I tried to clean that as best I could and wore different shoes.

I threw the food out when I got home. I should have looked at it more closely – it has sweet potato and our cats don’t process that very well (obviously). Poor things.

Happy Friday! Cross your fingers that was the end of it for me!